Weather Monitoring System – WMS
The Weather Monitoring System is designed to provide information for helicopter landing, and to meet aviation and international guidelines. This system is configurable to national standards for the UK and in Norway.
The AWMS Software is used for air traffic control, marine operations and heavy lifts, where real time weather information is essential for safe air and marine operations.
InControl (Amitec) has several years of experience with system integration, providing integrated solutions for monitoring systems.
The InControl (Amitec) Weather Monitoring System collects real world information from the best trancducers and sensors available and immediately digitize the information to a computer. The computer combines data collected from depth, speed, wind, barometric pressure, air temperature, heave, pitch, roll and compass sensors with position data from your GPS or Loran, navigation data from your Electronic Charting System, and even engine and fuel supply data, so any information you want to see can be called up on any digital display at any time with trending capabilities.
The WMS is in accordance with United Kingdom requirements CAP437 and Norwegian Sector requirements.
A panelview can be supplied LCD that combines oversized digits and clear graphics to display actual and trend data.
The system is based on two computer units – 4 weather sensors, and 1 computing unit located in the control room. The sensors are connected to the central computing unit via RS232 interface. Each sensor has a unique address (1-4). The weather information can be interfaced to other computers using DH+ network, IP Internet or PI software. The system includes a serial Interface (RS232) to third party user, ie. to rig management system, or general weather information.
The GPS, Gyro and SPD are connected to the computing unit for rig position and speed transfer.
The Amitec Weather Monitoring System is based on RSView32 from Rockwell Software.
Printer connected to the central computer for hardcopies.
Interface to Allen Bradley PLC.
Additional wave/current, cloud height, visibility and humidity, data acquisition and display.
Amitec has developed software communication components for:
- Mail messages
- Voice messages
- SMS messages
- Fax messages
These components can be combined with the WMS.